Thank you for your interest in supporting the work of the ministry here at Calvary Cranbrook. We firmly believe “Where God guides, God provides,” so you will never be pressured to give. To that end, we don’t pass an offering plate during services, instead we provide an offering box at our information table for tithes, offerings and gifts of worship to the Lord.
As believers, we worship God with our financial offerings from a heart of gratitude. God loves to bless your acts of faithful giving in accordance to His promises.
There are two ways you can give online:
Through an E-Transfer to Calvary Cranbrook send it to the email: giving@calvarycranbrook.ca
Or through Paypal
Click on the PayPal image below to donate securely using your credit card or PayPal account. You do not need a PayPal account to donate using your credit card. All donations to Calvary Chapel Cranbrook are receipted for income tax purposes at the beginning of the next calendar year.